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Computational Economics ; 62(1):383-405, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20245253


We use unique data on the travel history of confirmed patients at a daily frequency across 31 provinces in China to study how spatial interactions influence the geographic spread of pandemic COVID-19. We develop and simultaneously estimate a structural model of dynamic disease transmission network formation and spatial interaction. This allows us to understand what externalities the disease risk associated with a single place may create for the entire country. We find a positive and significant spatial interaction effect that strongly influences the duration and severity of pandemic COVID-19. And there exists heterogeneity in this interaction effect: the spatial spillover effect from the source province is significantly higher than from other provinces. Further counterfactual policy analysis shows that targeting the key province can improve the effectiveness of policy interventions for containing the geographic spread of pandemic COVID-19, and the effect of such targeted policy decreases with an increase in the time of delay.

International Journal of Computer - Assisted Language Learning and Teaching ; 13(1):1-5, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20244428


The creation of beautiful literature and art is one of humanity's most essential endeavours. The importance of literature as a component of the language-teaching curriculum has fluctuated over the last century with the popularity of various language-teaching pedagogies. Notwithstanding, it has recently seen a resurrection of appreciation for its effective utility in language acquisition. Covid-19 lockdown combined with the further progress of computer-assisted language learning has led to a gradual shift in the provision of literature-based language education to an online setting. Under this trend, Sandra Stadler-Heer and Amos Paran's edited chapter book Taking Literature and Language Learning Online: New Perspectives on Teaching, Research and Technology concentrates on a particular component of this transfer process, namely the interaction between literature and language learning. This book review provides an overview of this volume.

Sustainability ; 15(11):8725, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20243185


During the health crisis caused by COVID-19, virtual reality (VR) proved to be useful for the tourism industry, allowing this industry to continue working despite the restrictions imposed. However, it remains to be seen if the impact of this sanitary crisis in the tourism industry influenced managers' intention to adopt this technology in the post-pandemic period. To fill this gap, a qualitative methodological approach was adopted, using the MAXQDA20 software and interviews with managers of tourism enterprises. The results show that the willingness to invest in technology, the perception of VR as a business strategy, and the perception of the impact of the pandemic are factors that regulate the intention of companies to adopt VR. In addition, prior experience with VR and the perception of technical support are also important for its adoption. Thus, it was concluded that VR can be a valuable sustainable strategy for tourism companies to address the challenges imposed by the pandemic. However, adopting the technology depends on factors such as financial availability, business strategy, and previous experience with VR. Furthermore, tourism companies must also receive adequate technical support to ensure its correct implementation.

Informatica Medica Slovenica ; 27(1/2):14-19, 2022.
Article in Slovenian | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20241763


Center za pomoč uporabnikom rešitev eZdravja je ključna komponenta sistema eZdravje v Sloveniji, ki je namenjena vsem uporabnikom tega sistema. Center izvaja tri osnovne naloge. Splošna podpora vsem uporabnikom rešitev eZdravja je namenjena zdravstvenim delavcem, administrativnemu osebju, informatikom, ponudnikom programskih rešitev, pacientom in vsem drugim uporabnikom rešitev eZdravja, ki želijo prijaviti motnje v delovanju, potrebujejo pomoč ali zahtevajo informacije v zvezi z delovanjem rešitev eZdravja. Storitev elektronskega naročanja na zdravstvene storitve pomaga pacientom pri naročanju. Podpora pri priklopu v zNET je namenjena izvajalcem zdravstvene dejavnosti pri postopku vključitve v omrežje zNET. Dostopanje do pomoči je možno s spletnim obrazcem, preko elektronske pošte, pogosto zastavljenih vprašanj ali telefona. Na svoji spletni strani Center za pomoč uporabnikom objavlja obvestila, povezana z delovanjem rešitev eZdravja, in semafor o delovanju rešitev. V zadnjih dveh letih je bilo v delo Centra vključenih več novih rešitev. Uporaba je pospešeno narasla - v letu 2021 smo beležili več kot sedemkratno povečanje glede na leto 2020. Prispevek analizira delovanje Centra skozi dinamiko in vsebino obravnavanih zahtevkov in opravljenih storitev. Delovanje Centra je pomembna komponenta uspešne uporaba rešitev eZdravja v Sloveniji, kar se je še posebej izkazalo v času epidemije COVID-19.Alternate :The eHealth Service Desk is a key component of the eHealth system in Slovenia, which is intended for the all users of the system. The Service Desk performs three main tasks. General support for all users of eHealth solutions addresses health care professionals, administrative staff, information technology specialists, software solution providers, patients and all other users of eHealth solutions who wish to report malfunctions, need assistance or require information related to the functioning of the eHealth solutions. The electronic appointment for health care services helps patients to make an eAppointment for health care services. The zNET Connection Support offers help to health care providers in the process of joining the zNET network. Assistance can be accessed in several ways: via an online form, email, FAQs or phone. The Service Desk publishes notifications related to the eHealth solutions on its website and maintains a simple indicator that displays the status of eHealth solutions. During the last two years, several new eHealth solutions have been added to the Service Desk portfolio. The use has been growing rapidly in recent years, namely in 2021 we recorded a more than sevenfold increase compared to 2020. The paper analyses the operation of the eHealth Service Desk through the dynamics and content of the requests handled or services provided. The Service Desk is an important component for the successful use of eHealth solutions in Slovenia, which was particularly evident during the COVID-19 epidemic.

International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies ; 13(1):1-16, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20239637


The hotel industry is one of the sectors that is heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Compensating for this lost revenue requires understanding which aspects of guests' priorities have changed, including their feelings about sustainable practices. Drawing from an online survey with 250 adults who were at least 18 years of age, described themselves as familiar with sustainable practices, and stated they had stayed in a hotel both before and during the pandemic, this study finds that the pandemic had a significant impact on their attitudes towards sustainable practices. Although they believe that hotels' adopted protocols are adequate to protect them from COVID-19, they do not intend to adopt sustainable practices in the pandemic era.

IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering ; 13(2):132-149, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20239071


The global extent of COVID-19 mutations and the consequent depletion of hospital resources highlighted the necessity of effective computer-assisted medical diagnosis. COVID-19 detection mediated by deep learning models can help diagnose this highly contagious disease and lower infectivity and mortality rates. Computed tomography (CT) is the preferred imaging modality for building automatic COVID-19 screening and diagnosis models. It is well-known that the training set size significantly impacts the performance and generalization of deep learning models. However, accessing a large dataset of CT scan images from an emerging disease like COVID-19 is challenging. Therefore, data efficiency becomes a significant factor in choosing a learning model. To this end, we present a multi-task learning approach, namely, a mask-guided attention (MGA) classifier, to improve the generalization and data efficiency of COVID-19 classification on lung CT scan images. The novelty of this method is compensating for the scarcity of data by employing more supervision with lesion masks, increasing the sensitivity of the model to COVID-19 manifestations, and helping both generalization and classification performance. Our proposed model achieves better overall performance than the single-task (without MGA module) baseline and state-of-the-art models, as measured by various popular metrics.

Industrial Management & Data Systems ; 123(6):1670-1689, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20238641


PurposeThe construction of digital supply chains to integrate internal and external resources is becoming an important path for manufacturing enterprises to gain competitiveness. However, at present, research on the internal mechanisms of digital supply chain capabilities (DSCC) and enterprise sustainable competitive performance (ESCP) has not been sufficiently studied. Based on contextual ambidexterity theory, this study investigates whether DSCC could enable the realization of supply chain ambidexterity and further explains the mediating role of supply chain ambidexterity on DSCC and ESCP, and the boundary conditions of supply chain governance on supply chain ambidexterity and ESCP.Design/methodology/approachWith a survey data set of 232 Chinese manufacturing enterprises from different industries, the study empirically tests a moderated mediating model and conducts hierarchical linear modeling and bootstrap to test the study's hypotheses.FindingsThe results demonstrate that: (1) DSCC positively enhance ESCP;(2) supply chain ambidexterity, which can be regarded as a synergic ability of supply chain alignment and adaptability, partially mediates the positive relationship between DSCC and ESCP;and (3) supply chain governance such as incentive governance positively moderates the association between supply chain ambidexterity and ESCP, but there is no evidence that relational governance moderates their relationship.Originality/valueThis paper proposes a new interpretive perspective to understand digital supply chains. More importantly, it reveals the importance of DSCC in contributing toward supply chain ambidexterity and ESCP, and demonstrates the differential regulating action of incentive and relational governance on the association between supply chain ambidexterity and ESCP, with implications for both academics and practitioners.

Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science ; 24(4):401-412, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20237745


The present study, an expert review, aimed to discuss the emerging challenges of overcoming COVID-19 from the perspective of human factors and the importance of cognitive ergonomics in helping to cope with the epidemic. Identifying these challenges and the use of cognitive ergonomics to optimize human well-being and system performance can be effective in managing COVID-19. Generally, two main preventive approaches such as social distancing and patient care or treatment approaches are being utilized in response to COVID-19. In this paper, human factors challenges that could emerge from covid-19 preventive approaches were discussed. Social distancing forces presence and increases automated systems that lead to increases in cognitive needs, mental workload, stress, etc. Challenges of treatment and health care include the increased workload of healthcare personnel, stress, changing work systems and task allocation that led to fatigue and stress, threats to patient safety, and disruption of interpersonal interactions from a cognitive ergonomic perspective. It is concluded that the challenges of coping with COVID-19 were numerous and important from the perspective of human factors and the role of cognitive ergonomics is important in controlling the disease;hence, it should be taken into consideration.

Industrial Management & Data Systems ; 123(6):1690-1716, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20235107


PurposeA digital supply chain (DSC) positively enhances circular economy (CE) practices. However, what factors and conditions lead to the implementation of DSC for transitioning toward CE is not yet clear. Therefore, this study aims at identifying and subsequently analyzing the antecedents of DSC for CE.Design/methodology/approachThe study identifies major antecedents of DSC for CE to achieve sustainability objectives through literature review and expert opinions. In this study, 19 potential antecedents of DSCs for CE are established from the literature and suggestions from industry professionals. A trapezoidal fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) approach is applied quantitatively to investigate the antecedents identified.FindingsConducted in the context of Indian automobile manufacturing industry, the findings of the study reflect that advanced information sharing arrangement, effective government policies for DSC and CE implementation and digitalizing the supply chains are the top three potential antecedents of DSC for a CE.Originality/valueIn the existing literature, few studies are specific to investigating the DSC and CE paradigm. The present study will help organizations develop a practical and integrated strategic approach that will foster DSC through improved knowledge of CE.

Informatica Medica Slovenica ; 27(1/2):42-43, 2022.
Article in Slovenian | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20235000


Tradicionalno srečanje članov Sekcije za informatiko v zdravstveni negi (SIZN), ki deluje pri Slovenskem društvu za medicinsko informatiko (SDMI), je potekalo 11. novembra 2022 v Termah Zreče kot "hibridni" dogodek. Slišali smo zanimive vsebine, ki jih navajamo po vrstnem redu v programu: * Vladislav Rajkovič: Digitalne kompetence v zdravstvene nege v luči umetne inteligence * Jožica Čehovin Zajc, Marija Milavec Kapun: SmartNurse: kaj se lahko naučimo, ko učimo * Tina Kamenšek, Marija Milavec Kapun: GenoNurse - mednarodno partnerstvo za izboljšanje kompetenc študentov zdravstvene nege na področju genomike * Nino Fijačko, Gregor Štiglic, Lucija Gosak: Percepcija uporabe navidezne resničnosti za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe pri študentih zdravstvene nege: študija uporabnosti * Jerneja Meža, Barbara Smrke: Obrnjeno učenje v okviru študijskega programa Zdravstvena nega * Maja Drešček Dolinar, Nataša Mlinar Reljić, Barbara Donik, Gregor Štiglic: E-učenje študentov zdravstvene nege v času pandemije COVID-19 * Darja Fridau, Cvetka Krel, Sebastjan Bevc: Vključitev negovalnih diagnoz NANDA-I v elektronski zdravstveni zapis * Cvetka Krel, Dominika Vrbnjak, Gregor Štiglic, Sebastjan Bevc: Vsebinska veljavnost slovenske različice vprašalnika »Vprašalnik za merjenje uporabe, kakovosti in zadovoljstva z elektronskim zdravstvenim zapisom z vidika medicinskih sester« * Samanta Mikuletič, Boštjan Žvanut: Informacijska varnostna kultura med zaposlenimi v zdravstveni negi: rezultati preliminarne študije * Aljaž Bajc, Neža Jarc: Organizacija informatike v Covid enoti intenzivne terapije * Mihael Nedeljko, Boris Miha Kaučič: Uporaba informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije pri starejših odraslih zmanjšuje socialno izolacijo in izboljšuje kakovost življenja * Anže Mihelič, Boštjan Žvanut, Simon Vrhovec: Pametne naprave v pomoč starejšim odraslim * Nives Matko, Marizela Nuhanović, Megi Trojar: Ocena tveganja za nastanek razjede zaradi pritiska * Tjaša Ulčnik, Rok Škedelj: Model za oceno ustreznosti perfuzorja * Maša Zapušek, Klara Vrtačnik: Ocena ogroženosti dializnega bolnika * Alen Lončar, Marija Milavec Kapun: Uporabnost aplikacije NurseCal za izračun odmerkov in pretočnosti zdravil * Uroš Višič: Digitalizacija zdravstveno-vzgojnih vsebin Sole za starše v času pandemije Covid-19 Povzetki in prispevki predstavitev so objavljeni v zborniku srečanja. Zaključek Ob zaključku rednega letnega strokovnega srečanja je potekal sestanek članov SIZN, kjer je predsednik sekcije izr. prof. dr. Boštjan Žvanut podal poročilo o delu SIZN za leto 2022, prav tako so bile opredeljeni načrti in usmeritve za nadaljnje delo SIZN. Program srečanja je bil tudi v tem v letu posredovan v evalvacijo za licenčne točke Zbornice zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije - Zveze strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije (Zbornice-Zveze). Komisija za oceno ustreznosti stalnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja, imenovana s strani Zbornice-Zveze, je programu SIZN 2022 dodelila 6 licenčnih točk za pasivne udeležence in 10 licenčnih točk za aktivne udeležence. Zaključki srečanja in ključne ugotovitve se nanašajo na dopolnjevanje kompetenc s področja zdravstvene nege, ki jih zahteva uporaba sodobnih IKT rešitev, in pomen pedagoškega dela na tem področju ter razvoj IKT rešitev za učenje in poučevanje (navidezna resničnost, obrnjeno učenje), izpostavili pa smo tudi pomen usposabljanja pacientov na področju informacijske in zdravstvene pismenosti. Zahvala Hvaležni smo vsem članom SIZN za skupno rast, podporo in zaupanje.

Library Hi Tech ; 41(2):277-286, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20234153
Library Hi Tech ; 41(2):543-569, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20233777


PurposeHow to extract useful information from a very large volume of literature is a great challenge for librarians. Topic modeling technique, which is a machine learning algorithm to uncover latent thematic structures from large collections of documents, is a widespread approach in literature analysis, especially with the rapid growth of academic literature. In this paper, a comparison of topic modeling based literature analysis has been done using full texts and s of articles.Design/methodology/approachThe authors conduct a comparison study of topic modeling on full-text paper and corresponding to assess the influence of the different types of documents been used as input for topic modeling. In particular, the authors use the large volumes of COVID-19 research literature as a case study for topic modeling based literature analysis. The authors illustrate the research topics, research trends and topic similarity of COVID-19 research by using Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and topic visualization method.FindingsThe authors found 14 research topics for COVID-19 research. The authors also found that the topic similarity between using full-text paper and corresponding is higher when more documents are analyzed.Originality/valueFirst, this study contributes to the literature analysis approach. The comparison study can help us understand the influence of the different types of documents on the results of topic modeling analysis. Second, the authors present an overview of COVID-19 research by summarizing 14 research topics for it. This automated literature analysis can help specialists in the health and medical domain or other people to quickly grasp the structured morphology of the current studies for COVID-19.

Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations ; 21(1):1-22, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20233235


With the expansion of internet penetration and the adoption of mobile apps, usage of food delivery applications has increased significantly during the pandemic. The study's main objective was to examine the antecedents and consequences of food delivery app engagement among urban and semi-urban customers in India during COVID-19. The data were collected from 269 semi-urban respondents and 301 urban respondents. The stimulus organism and response (SOR) model has been used to understand consumers' antecedents and consequences of food delivery app engagement during the pandemic. The study used the structural equation modelling method to test the relationship between the variables. The study's findings showed that the mobile application's perceived ease of use, enjoyment, and time convenience found a significant effect among urban and semi-urban customers. This study is limited to urban and semi-urban customers with cross-sectional survey data. The study has explored a few antecedents and consequences of mobile food delivery app engagement.

International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction ; 39(10):2142-2154, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2321368


Health and fitness apps have grown exponentially during covid-19 lockdowns. Using a sample of 331 European fitness apps users, this study investigated the psychological drivers of users' intention on fitness apps. This study draws upon the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and innovation diffusion theory. Its findings reveal that subjective knowledge and personal innovativeness predict perceived Usefulness, health consciousness, and ease of use. The strongest predictor of intention to use an app is perceived Usefulness, which mediates the influence of subjective knowledge and innovativeness on intention to use. Health consciousness predicts ease of use;however, the latter does not predict behavioural intention. This is one of the first studies on European users of fitness apps and investigating the psychological antecedents of TAM, i.e., innovativeness, subjective knowledge, and consciousness.

Letters in Drug Design & Discovery ; 20(8):1107-1116, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2326929


Background: Anticipating the correlation between SARS-CoV-2 infection and ‘triplenegative breast cancer (TNBC)' remains challenging. It has been reported that people currently diagnosed with cancer have a higher risk of severe complications if they are affected by the viral infection. Cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy, may weaken the immune system and possibly cause critical lung damage and breathing problems. Special attention must be paid to the ‘comorbidity condition' while estimating the risk of severe SARSCoV- 2 infection in TNBC patients. Hence the work aims to study the correlation between triplenegative breast cancer (TNBC) and SARS-CoV-2 using biomolecular networking.Methods: The genes associated with SARS CoV-2 have been collected from curated data in Bio- GRID. TNBC-related genes have been collected from expression profiles. Molecular networking has generated a Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network and a Protein-Drug Interaction (PDI) network. The network results were further evaluated through molecular docking studies followed by molecular dynamic simulation.Results: The genetic correlation of TNBC and SARS-Cov-2 has been observed from the combined PPI of their proteins. The drugs interacting with the disease's closely associated genes have been identified. The docking and simulation study showed that anti-TNBC and anti-viral drugs interact with these associated targets, suggesting their influence in inhibiting both the disease mutations.Conclusion: The study suggests a slight influence of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection on Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Few anticancer drugs such as Lapatinib, Docetaxel and Paclitaxel are found to inhibit both TNBC and viral mutations. The computational studies suggest these molecules are also useful for TNBC patients to control SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The Electronic Library ; 41(2/3):308-325, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2326671


PurposeThis study aims to reveal the topic structure and evolutionary trends of health informatics research in library and information science.Design/methodology/approachUsing publications in Web of Science core collection, this study combines informetrics and content analysis to reveal the topic structure and evolutionary trends of health informatics research in library and information science. The analyses are conducted by Pajek, VOSviewer and Gephi.FindingsThe health informatics research in library and information science can be divided into five subcommunities: health information needs and seeking behavior, application of bibliometrics in medicine, health information literacy, health information in social media and electronic health records. Research on health information literacy and health information in social media is the core of research. Most topics had a clear and continuous evolutionary venation. In the future, health information literacy and health information in social media will tend to be the mainstream. There is room for systematic development of research on health information needs and seeking behavior.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to analyze the topic structure and evolutionary trends of health informatics research based on the perspective of library and information science. This study helps identify the concerns and contributions of library and information science to health informatics research and provides compelling evidence for researchers to understand the current state of research.

The European Journal of Finance ; 29(2):185-206, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2326310


We examine the risk minimization utility of Islamic stock and Sukuk (bond) indices by studying their linkages against traditional global counterparts. We first employ an asymmetric power ARCH-based ADCC model on an extended dataset employed by Kenourgios et al. (2016). Our sample ranges from July 2007 to June 2021 covering the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), the European Sovereign Debt Crisis (ESDC), and the COVID-19 pandemic. Econometric tests suggest strong evidence of coupling in the bulk of Islamic equity indices. A handful of emerging market indices constitute exceptions. Qualitatively similar results emerge from time–frequency analysis via wavelet tools, revealing pervasive coupling in both returns and volatility series. The linkages are scale-dependent in only a few pairs. In contrast, Sukuk indices are uncoupled from their global fixed income counterparts and relevant risky debt portfolios. In sum, the risk-return characteristics of Islamic equities (especially in developed economies) remain coupled to major global benchmarks and therefore are unlikely to appeal as safe haven candidates. The converse applies to Sukuk, which promises potential portfolio diversification benefits and safe haven status in ‘normal' and crisis periods.

The Electronic Library ; 41(2/3):204-222, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2326298


PurposeAs of December 2021, WeChat had more than 1.2 billion active users worldwide, making it the most active online social media in mainland China. The term social commerce is used to describe new online sales through a mix of social networks and/or peer-to-peer communication or marketing strategies in terms of allowing consumers to satisfy their shopping behaviour through online social media. Thus, given the numerous active users, the development of online social media and social commerce on WeChat is a critical issue of internet research.Design/methodology/approachThis empirical study takes WeChat as the online social media research object. Questionnaires for WeChat users in China were designed and distributed. All items are designed as nominal and ordinal scales (not Likert scale). The obtained data was put into a relational database (N = 2,342), and different meaningful patterns and rules were examined through data mining analytics, including clustering analysis and association rules, to explore the role of WeChat in the development of online social media and social commerce.FindingsPractical implications are presented according to the research findings of meaningful patterns and rules. In addition, alternatives to WeChat in terms of further development are also proposed according to the investigation findings of WeChat users' behaviour and preferences in China.Originality/valueThis study concludes that online social media, such as WeChat, will be able to transcend the current development pattern of most online social media and make good use of investigating users' behaviour and preferences, not only to stimulate the interaction of users in the social network, but also to create social commerce value in social sciences.

Computer Applications in Engineering Education ; 31(3):480-500, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2318601


Laboratory practices, which represent a vital part of electrical engineering education, have especially in the last few years been subjected to numerous challenges. The paper presents a concept of upgrading the laboratory practice curriculum in power electronics by introducing computer simulations. Due to the recognized shortcomings of the previous approach, the curriculum was closely reviewed, compared to the concepts from existing literature, and intensively upgraded by the introduction of the Ansys Simplorer computer program. The intensity of the process upgrade was enhanced by the COVID‐19 pandemic and related lockdowns. The introduced curriculum changes enabled the students to approach individual topics more gradually, reducing the gaps between the behavior of ideal and real power electronics circuits. The results of student feedback, obtained by a web‐based survey and a pre‐exam quiz, demonstrate that students recognize the new approach as being more gradual and beneficial, enabling them to improve their understanding of specific phenomena and to master the topics of power electronics with ease and satisfaction.

Information Technology & People ; 36(4):1533-1554, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2318449


PurposeMobile-based payment is increasing exponentially but in the developing country like India, consumers' perception is highly positive in daily cash transaction. The purpose of this research is to identify and examine the important challenges for mobile wallet (m-wallet) implementation in India. In the wake of COVID-19, one of the transmission mechanisms of this virus has been the coins and paper money passed between a buyer and a seller. As such m-wallet considered as a convenience of payment has become a necessity in light of the pandemic.Design/methodology/approachThe authors explored 19 unique sets of challenges selected from the literature and collected data from 14 experts from private sector, multinational corporations and mixed private and public partnership who have significant knowledge and experience of mobile payment implementation and use in their respective organisations. Also, the authors have used Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology in developing a hierarchal model for the identified challenges. The authors implemented Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) analysis to classify the identified challenges.FindingsThe ISM-based framework is divided into nine different hierarchical levels. "Lack of strong regulatory compliance (Ch6)” has been recognised as the most important challenge, which inhibited the mobile wallet implementation, whereas "Perception of customers about the value of using mobile wallets (Ch11)” is the most dependent critical challenge. There are seven hierarchical layers in between the top and the bottom level with the varied number of challenges based on their driving and dependence power.Originality/valueThis is the first research to the best of our knowledge that has not only comprehensively reviewed the m-wallet literature but also employed a unique ISM-MICMAC-based approach to develop a framework of challenges for the m-wallet implementation.